Sonokinetic Sultan Strings KONTAKT | 2.99 Gb









These are String ensemble samples like you’ve never heard before. Distinctive, effective and with an ear for authenticity, Sonokinetic is proud to announce and present another genuine first in sampling history.

You’ll never find samples anywhere else that match the uniqueness, originality and authentic middle eastern style that is found in this massive collection of string ensemble performances. Impossible to recreate or compose with ordinary string sample-libraries or dedicated string library platforms, this collection focuses on live performances by one of the world’s best middle eastern string ensembles and royalty free custom composed arabian styled phrases.

3 violins, 1 viola and 1 cello make up this strong and convincing performance sampling string ensemble. With our usual dedicated care we approached this recording with a ‘digital’ composer’s need in mind. Working from the base up we created a diverse collection of phrases to be widely usable in music compositions and large audio productions. Tempo syncing and a wide availability in all keys has been top priority in this production, to make the product as flexible as possible.

For each phrase we’ve also included an octaved overdub (recorded separately), mapped to the keyboard an octave higher than the original to easily layer them and make it a breeze to build the tension in your compositions and to instantly fatten the sound and expand your orchestra.

We’ve invested a massive amount of resources, professional skills and musical talent to create something very unique and usable for the modern day composer and producer. We’re convinced we’ve achieved our goal with this large sample pool and hands-on users interface. We also invested in multi-formats so the range of sampling possibilities is extended past the proven Kontakt format. Although we focus on the user interfaces of Native Instrument’s Kontakt format other core sample audio formats are available to fit every need and make this collection widely accessible for every producer and composer.

Sultan Strings will give your production the creative edge you’re always looking for and let it excel in originality and authenticity.

Sonokinetic has established a name as one of the best price value-quality sampling producers and with this we like to underline that statement. We stick with our unbeatable pricing module and high quality sampling. This is an absolutely must-have and hard to resist performance strings library.

We’re proud to release “Sultan Strings” and let them spread the inspiration of middle- eastern string ensemble performances


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