Spitfire在吉他库中的独特之处在于这里的步调! 19位吉他手,在一系列测试基础上完美融合; Charangos,Mandolins,尤克里里琴成对放置在Air Studios大厅周围的带状麦克风之间。 必须听到它才能被理解。

克里斯蒂安·克里斯蒂安(Christian)于2014年9月受命撰写一部电影。这部电影在广阔的土地上具有可操作性,其英亩的空间,时间和空气让得分得以演唱。 克里斯蒂安一直是特伦斯·马里克(Terence Malick)作品的忠实拥护者,他观察了大麦的弧形场,这是高潮,胶片的镜头充满了雨水的爆炸滴。 如何最好地创造出独特的东西来说明这些美丽的混沌模式? 因此,Spitfire对一群吉他手进行了测试,他们在Air的整个大厅里弹奏。 结果令人赞叹不已,从整个房间演奏的各种混乱的未经测量的颤音产生的美妙音色,到美丽的古铜色弹拨音,再到长长的音调。 崇高的演奏者,崇高的乐器和宽敞的房间相结合,证明是令人兴奋的组合。

吸取了教训后,我们回到了Air-Studios,但这次却是一群“玩家”。 总共19个,演奏精选乐器来平衡主要特征,地理位置感和纯粹的音质。 在几天的时间里,我们发现Charangos,Ukuleles和Mandolins完美地结合在一起,从而提供了一套世俗而又出类拔萃的工具。

Spitfire’s unique take on a guitar library is put through it’s paces here! 19 guitarists, a perfect blend based on a series of test sessions; charangos, mandolins, ukuleles were placed in pairs between ribbon microphones around the hall at Air Studios. It has to be heard to be understood.

Christian was commissioned to write a film in September 2014. A film that was operatic in its expanse with acres of space, time and air to let the score sing. Always a fan of the work of Terence Malick, Christian observed arcing fields of barley, a climax which filled a film lense with exploding teardrops of rain. How best to create something unique to illustrate these chaotic patterns of beauty? So Spitfire carried out a test with a group of guitarists playing all around the hall at Air. The results were sublime, from a beautiful patina of plucked notes to a jet of long tones created by a multitude of chaotic un-measured trems played by players all over the room. The combination of sublime players, sublime instruments and an expansive room, proved a heady mix.

With lessons learned we returned to Air-Studios but this time with a “Swarm” of players. 19 in total, playing a specially selected blend of instruments to balance out dominant characteristics, sense of geographical place and sheer sonic beauty. Over a period of days we found the perfect mix of Charangos, Ukuleles and Mandolins to offer up a worldly but also unearthly set of tools.

Whilst the upper dynamic layers provided shocking drama and definition it was the quieter and quietest layers that offered most intrigue, so with the idea of having a total surround effect of players, this posed difficulties with the micing. Jake Jackson attacked this challenge with gusto, elevating a second tree and third ambient and outrigger so there is a perfect symmetry between every player. Whats more, by playing the guitarists in pairs either side of a coles 4038, the players became their own reflection filters providing a shockingly dry signal with these figure of eight mics.

The sessions ended on a hair raising set of slowly peeled chords. When combined with Blake’s excellent scripting and our gang of multi-decorated programmers, producers and composers we’re sure you’ll agree that Swarm is inspiration out-of-the-box, of a very very special kind.

Spitfire Audio has curated a useful set of articulations with this extraordinary band with multiple dynamic layers and round robins. The players were placed in three waves: the first 7 huddled around the first tree, the second 6 around the second tree, and the third 6 guitarists in each gallery quadrant.

One of the key areas of interest with this instrument type is the tremolandi. You have control not only of the dynamic level of these extraordinary long articulations but also the speed. From a gentle trickle to a haze of notes. Whats more we have two sets of measured trem that depending on the application can sync to your host tempo with differing levels of tightness.

Combined with the majesty of the hall at Air, that signal chain, that 2” tape, Jake Jackson’s mastery of the room and the mixes, and a beautifully programmed instrument that “just works”, we’re sure you’ll agree you’ve just laid your hands on something truly special.

Spitfire’s Definitive Range aims to offer the world a one-stop shop for classic and esoteric instruments played by the greats. As all these instruments are recorded in situ, in the same room, they’re designed to lock together sonically whether it be some timpani from the percussion range coupled with your Sable libraries. Or indeed a more curious band made up of the Hg20, a plucked piano and a harp, it is designed to sound like they’re together in the same room.

We provide a series of detailed mixing options that allow you to dry the sound up or make it more ambient, whilst preserving the acoustic integrity and perspective of a consistent microphone set up and room configuration. The instruments are all sampled in great detail but designed to play easily out-of-the-box, with simple integration into larger arrangements and templates without risk of demanding too much from your system resources.

Recorded by Jake Jackson at Lyndhurst Hall – Air Studios, on one of the finest scoring stages in the world, through an array of vintage microphones via Neve “Montserrat” pre-amps, to a beautifully serviced Studer 2” tape machine and then into digital at 96k via Prism AD converters: this is an unparalleled signal chain.


The library is presented with six microphone positions and three stereo mixes which you can not only mix and blend to fit the application you’re working on, but also automate for dramatic shifts in focus and depth. They’re also fully output assignable for surround and 5.1 use. The definitive range is designed to fit in with Spitfire’s entire orchestral canon, including Albion, BML and some of the Signature Range as if they’re performing in the same room at the same time.


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