Spitfire Symphonic Woodwinds | 66.3 GB

伍兹经常被现代媒体作曲家所忽略,是您为作品增添真正力量的秘密武器。 Spitfire Audio拥有十年的木管乐器制造经验,并在过去的五年中在世界上最受欢迎的地点之一录制了最好的唱片:伦敦Air Studios大厅,这是权威的摘要管弦乐的木管乐器。

经过十年的详尽采样,并花了四年的时间聘请我们最好的木管乐器演奏家,Spitfire自豪地展示了Symphonic Woodwinds。这是在伦敦Air Studios录制并“深采样”的管弦乐队的权威收藏。具有多种动力,颤音控制,无数轮巡回赛以及各种传统的和更加深奥的发音(clarinet扑动舌头?滴答!)。 SSW不仅具有通常的嫌疑人的特征,而且我们的深度采样还扩展到了很少使用的木合唱,中音和低音长笛,低音提琴单簧管等三个方面!

Spitfire Symphonic Woodwinds最初是作为BML(英国模块化库)项目的一部分发布在模块中的,它是对这些大量深采样组件的合理化,并进行了许多改进,包括许多新的关节(总共增加了30%的内容) 。我们创建了一个价格更便宜的条目,使之成为我们认为是当今最好的管弦乐木管乐器库。
•涵盖独奏和a2部分的宽带。 结合两者并创建您的A3部分


Often neglected by modern media composers, the Woods are your secret weapon to add real power to your productions. Spitfire Audio has taken its decade of experience making woodwind instruments and has spent the last five years recording the best of the best at one of the most sought-after locations in the world: The Hall at Air Studios, London for this, a definitive compendium of orchestral woodwinds.

After a decade of exhaustive sampling, and four years spent capturing our finest woodwind players, Spitfire are proud to present Symphonic Woodwinds. It is a definitive collection of orchestral woods recorded and ‘deep sampled’ at Air Studios, London. Featuring multiple dynamics, vibrato control, numerous round robins and a variety of traditional and more esoteric articulations (clarinet flutter tongue? tick!). Not only does SSW feature the usual suspects, our deep sampling has been extended through the extraordinary lesser used areas of the wood choir, alto and bass flutes, contrabass clarinets to name but three!

Originally released in modules as part of the BML (British Modular Library) project, Spitfire Symphonic Woodwinds is a rationalisation of these numerous, deep sampled components, along with many improvements, including a host of new articulations (totalling an additional 30% of content). We’ve created a more affordable entry into what we believe to be the finest orchestral woodwinds library available today.

• A broad band covering both solo, and a2 sections. Combine both and create your a3 sections
• Traditional piccolos, flutes, oboes, clarinets and bassoons across to modern ‘zeitgeist’ selection of instruments from alto, bass flutes, bass clarinets, contrabass clarinets and a thunderous contrabassoon
• Super deep sampled, many articulations, dynamic layers and round robins
• Most comprehensive selection of articulations, and additional techniques available today
• Entry level core pack has full functionality of BML offering
• Core pack shipped with 3 distinct mic positions C(lose), T(ree), A(mbient)
• New add on pack coming soon with additional mics and mixes


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