
马尔特·梅尔斯科夫(Malthe Mehlskov)俗称“肾上腺皮质激素(Adrenalize)”,正迅速成为硬派风格的大牌人物之一。 Adrenalize因其出色的制作人技巧和令人振奋的旋律而臭名昭著,他在789ten的第一个制作人包中散发出了他的制作方法,预设,样本和专家级项目文件。





Midi Pack:Adrenalize迅速成为Hardstyle旋律的主要权威。似乎是键盘上的向导,他整理了五个优美的Midi级数供您学习,并用来为您的下一个旋律增色。这是任何生产者包中罕见的补充!



1. Adrenalize演示了他如何在轨道上添加大气纹理,从而为坐在混音主要元素下方的垫子提供了缓冲

主持人DAW:FL Studio

使用的主要插件:Sylenth,Spire,Fab Filter Pro-Q,Valhalla Room,The Interruptor Bionic Delay,Izotope Ozone 5 Advanced,Nicky Romero Kickstart,Sonnox Oxford Dynamics,Waves Sound Shifter,Soundtoys PanMan,Kjaerhus Audio Classic自动过滤器,Cakewalk Z3TA,格式错误(dblue)的磁带停止。

教程运行时间:1hr 43m

制作人: Adrenalize

We are very proud to introduce to you the very first, one of a kind, producer pack from Adrenalize.

Malthe Mehlskov better known as Adrenalize is quickly becoming one of the biggest names in hardstyle. Notorious for his exceptional techniques as a producer and his heart melting uplifting melodies, Adrenalize lets out his production methodology, go-to presets, samples, and an expert level project file in his very first producer pack exclusively on 789ten.

Placing a heavy emphasis on being unpredictable and doing something new for every song, Adrenalize refuses to be confined by any formula. A true hardstyle virtuoso, there is an overwhelming amount of knowledge and sounds provided in the multiple elements of this very special producer pack.

Tutorial: This is a detailed look at how Adrenalize tackles a new song. No filler! Both intermediate and advanced producers will be able to learn A LOT of technical skills from this tutorial. This is serious education from serious talent. Follow along with one of the most respected artists in hardstyle as he creates a song that has all the feels that we’ve grown to love in the Adrenalize sound. Learn from this expert how to bring this energy into your own productions.

Sample Pack: Having the right sounds goes a long way in such a production oriented genre like Hardstyle, and Adrenalize is a master designer of sound. Sprinkle these samples throughout your own tracks to level up to that crisp Adrenalize quality that has caught the ears of the entire industry.

Two Part Synth Library: These presets are not only used by Adrenalize on his own releases, but are quickly becoming an industry favourite among some of the biggest hardstyle producers in the world. Keep up with the best of the best by using these mindfully chosen presets in your own productions.

Midi Pack: Adrenalize is quickly becoming the leading authority on Hardstyle melodies. Seemingly a wizard on the keyroll he put together five beautiful midi progressions for you to study and use to build off for your next melodies. This is a rare addition to any producer pack!

Project File: Explore the FL project file from the beautiful song that Adrenalize produced in the tutorial, with fully editable synths. This is a project file straight from the hands of the brightest rising star in hardstyle, someone who celebrated his 16th birthday performing to 13,000 people with Headhunterz at the ziggo dome. Step inside the mind of Adrenalize, follow along with the tutorial, and get access to a goldmine of sounds to pull from to create your own magical productions.

Some highlights from this tutorial:
1. Adrenalize demonstrates how he adds atmospheric textures to a track which provides a cushion to sit below the main elements of the mix
2. Description of how he tweaks his synths to get the right sound for each special moment
3. Heavy focus on reverb and delay settings to design atmosphere
4. Arrangement tips and tricks
5. Making custom transitions and fills
6. Secrets behind the famous Adrenalize vocal chops
Plus much much more…

Host DAW: FL Studio

Main Plugins Used: Sylenth, Spire, Fab Filter Pro-Q, Valhalla Room, The Interruptor Bionic Delay, Izotope Ozone 5 Advanced, Nicky Romero Kickstart, Sonnox Oxford Dynamics, Waves Sound Shifter, Soundtoys PanMan, Kjaerhus Audio Classic Auto-Filter, Cakewalk Z3TA, Illformed (dblue) Tape Stop.

Tutorial Run Time: 1hr 43m

Produced by: Adrenalize

You do not need all of these plug-ins to learn from this tutorial, the value in this tutorial comes from the technique, not the tools.


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