

就我个人而言,我用来喂养我的鼓膜罗兹/芬达孪生声音,因为我的好朋友托马斯Sunmo(记得太阳L100…? ? ?)用于运行他的罗德通过双和我们一起玩了很长时间。(托马斯现在已经搬到了瑞典南部,结果我们不能在一起玩,他的孩子们口音也很奇怪。)
托马斯总是极好的照顾他的乐器,(他几乎打我一次,当他发现我的一个在钢琴…拨子。那是很久以前的事了,我们都更老了,也更有智慧了)尽管如此,罗德号还是由瑞典顶尖的罗德技术专家弗雷德里克·阿德勒(Fredrik Adler)调谐和修理的!

Mk I 73有不少于16个不同的速度样本/说明,这给你的动态响应,没有发现在任何其他采样罗兹。再加上这16个匹配的发布示例,您将得到32个示例/注释!

K5版本需要NI Kontakt完整的v5.7.3和更高!

When recording a Rhodes piano, nearly all, (or all?), instruments that has been recorded for a sampled instrument are lined. That means that you take the signal from the instrument, and feed it directly to the recording device.
This means that you will get a very clean, bright signal. And that is, in itself, a good thing!

This is exactly why I choose not to do so!

When Fender tuned and set up the Rhodes pianos on the factory, they used a Fender Twin as a preference amplifier. That was the way the where intended to sound.
Personally, I’m used to feed my eardrums with the Rhodes/Fender Twin sound since my good friend Tomas Sunmo (remember Sunes L100…???) used to run his Rhodes through a Twin and we played together for a long time. (Tomas have now moved to southern Sweden and as a result, we don’t play together and his children has a weird accent..)
And since the piano used for the session was Sunes, well, it just had to be a Twin!
The instrument was bought by Tomas back in the seventies, around -75 I think, and it’s been in his care since then.
Tomas always took extremely good care of his instrument, (he nearly punched me one time, when he found one of my plectrums inside the piano…. That was a long time ago and we are both older and wiser), even so, the Rhodes was tuned and fixed by Fredrik Adler, Sweden’s top Rhodes tech!
The amp wasn’t set up to produce distortion, just to add character and flavour, and it did!
This Rhodes doesn’t sound like a lined Rhodes, it sounds like a Rhodes played through a Fender Twin – The way it was supposed to.

The Mk I Seventy-Three has no less then 16 different velocity samples/note and this gives you the dynamic response that’s not found on any other sampled Rhodes. Add to this 16 matching release samples and you’ll have 32 samples/note!

K5 version requires NI Kontakt FULL v5.7.3 and higher!


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