36 GB

最后,我们发布了我们期待已久的新型kontakt乐器norCtrack M3 NKI。在该库中,我们包括了键盘工作站最流行的声音-Korg M3。
我们为Native Instrument Kontakt编程了一个非常方便易用的界面,您可以在其中控制,自定义各种效果。我们为每种效果进行了非常灵活的设置。一键启用和禁用任何效果也是可能的。该库有两个选项卡。在选项卡1(主要)中,您可以控制主要效果和声音的音量,在选项卡2(效果)中,可以灵活地自定义每种效果。
制造商:norCtrack | vst-store.com
兼容性:PC OS Windows和Mac
软件要求:Native Instruments Kontakt 4.2.4 / 5.0 / 6或任何高完整版本
大小:36Gb / 949 NKI文件,带有新的Kontakt GUI
格式和质量:Kontakt乐器-NKI /stereo/44.100Hz; 24位(高品质的声音)
带有两个选项卡的新Kontakt GUI:是

Finally we released our new long-expected kontakt instrument norCtrack M3 NKI. In this library we included most popular sounds of Keyboard Workstation – Korg M3.
This instrument has high-quality sounds and stands out for its unique design.
We have programmed a very convenient and easy to use interface for Native Instrument Kontakt, where you can control, customize various effects as you like. We made very flexible settings for each effect. It is also possible to enable and disable any effect in one click. This library has two tabs. In tab 1 (Main), you can control main effects and volum of the sound, in tab 2 (Effects) you can flexibly customize each effect.
Most sounds have several layers and several levels.This means that the voices will sounds more realistic and accurate.
Year of release: 2019
Manufacturer: norCtrack | vst-store.com
Compatibility: PC OS Windows & Mac
SOFTWARE requirements: Native Instruments Kontakt 4.2.4 / 5.0 / 6 or any high full versions
Language of the interface: English
Size: 36Gb / 949 NKI Files with new Kontakt GUI
Format & Quality: Kontakt Instrument – NKI /stereo/44.100Hz; 24 Bit (high Quality sounds)
Included: All factory patches of MR-61
Sample Key Range: 88
Velocity: 1 to 4 on demand of sounds
layers: 1 to 2 on demand of sounds
NEW Kontakt GUI With two tabs: YES
Effects+Filters: YES

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