Alpha Organ is a beautifully deep sampled pipe organ recorded at St. Paul’s Church in San Francisco, CA. The library was recorded in the same location as our acclaimed Requiem Light Symphonic Choir and Symphony Series Brass. The design of St. Paul’s Church mixed with the exquisite sound of the organ is the perfect blend, creating a tonal combination that can’t be recreated. This library is Powered By the Native Instruments Kontakt 6 Player engine (VST, AU & AAX Plugin formats) and supports all Komplete Kontrol software and hardware.

St Paul’s Church has a unique history that called to us and guided our approach to this instrument. It’s original construction was interrupted by the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and stone rubble from the destroyed downtown was used to complete the final structure. The space has extraordinary acoustic properties bordering on the mystical, it’s long reverberant tail carrying an airy ghostly quality. Each time we’ve recorded there, we’ve experienced waves of strange synchronicities. The entire hall sings as one massive living instrument. To honor the high strangeness that the space seems to evoke, we’ve enriched the library with a wider selection of our signature sound designed ambiences that delve deeply into psychoacoustic and metaphysical aesthetics.

This library includes all of the stops categorized by mood and feel including: Glorious, Gentle, Smooth, Reedy, Resonant, Solemn, Earth, Triumph, Dawn, Dusk and SFX, as well as the All Mixer which gives you ability to create your own unique blend with options to balance and pan the stops to create a powerful wall of sound. You also get a layered NKI that allows you to stack and cross-fade between the variety of sounds and ambiences with powerful sound-shaping controls allowing you to take the content into new realms. The ambiences NKI contains a selection of sound-designed atmospheric pads, drones and evolving textures that explore sound, energy and the metaphysical.

All of this content is packed in our newly designed user interface that allows you to have an individual LFO, Filter, and built-in arpeggiator per layer, giving you endless creative control. The library also comes with 20 custom sound-designed factory presets to help inspire your next film score or musical soundtrack. We’ve also included our modular FX rack, including 119 of our favorite custom reverb spaces. Alpha Organ is your new go-to organ for symphonic arrangements or cinematic scoring projects.


  • Product Version 1.0
  • 3 master presets for Main, Layered, and Ambiences
  • 20 custom fx presets
  • 4,117 Samples
  • 9.2 GB installed (14 GB wav source)
  • 24-bit, 48 kHz Stereo Lossless NCW Format.
  • Flexible and intuitive user interface with pro features, deep customizability and simple workflow.
  • Made for the free Kontakt Player (version 6.1+), Komplete Kontrol, all S-Series Keyboards and NKS software and hardware by Native Instruments


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