FANTASTiC 06 MARCH 2016 | 2.03 GB



Details, details, details

Achieving a quality level on par with our goals from this piano was tough. The onboard electronics are very noisy and the piano picks up a lot of ambient noise even if it’s electric (imagine a guitar with 88 strings and a pick-up for each single string!). Through attention and care, both in restoring, preparing, tuning and sampling this amazing piece of technical excellence, we managed to capture what we believe is the best rendition of this classic compact electric grand piano.

Simplicity, with depth

Our approach to sampled Instruments is to let the musician in you fly free of any technical burden. Fast, full satisfaction is guaranteed: you just need to play, the fastest possible learning-curve is always kept as a reference when designing our Instruments. At the same time, when there’s that techie-need to tweak and fine-tune, our multi-layer user interfaces allow for it, giving you the best of both worlds.

Advanced sampling and scripting

We believe the real break-through in these ages is creating advanced, high-quality Instruments which don’t require you to earn a master in computer programming before you start making music with them. Making matters easy for the musician always means introducing more and more layers of complication for us developers. First of all we are musicians, and we don’t want you to end up putting our products on a virtual shelf and forget about them because they are too hard to learn and use.


The onboard effects don’t require a degree in audio-engineering to make the best out of them. This is our job. Just select one of the 23main Presets and fine tune it using a few carefully selected parameters. The Compressor & Tape Emulation section, usually hard to grasp for the inexpert in audio tweaking feature no less than 22 presets with a simple Amount knob to rule it to your taste.


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