Indie Drums: Phat Boy is the new library featuring an Hybrid Drum Kit recorded and mixed with an authentic indie tone in mind. Think fat and low-tuned with a raw yet very usable tone, well suited for a wide range of styles, from modern folk-songwriter to rock, funky and even electronica/industrial.


The library features a complete sampled drum kit, recorded and engineered in three different mix configurations: Flat (for using your own processing), Phat (mix has been pumped up to add a fat and bottom enhanced sound) and Saturated (mix has been overdriven to obtain a grungey and industrial tone).


For each three configurations you can mix Close, Overhead and Room microphones, to get your own best balancement, from way “roomy” to extremely dry.


Indie Drums: Phat Boy features both Full Playable Kits (two for each mix configuration) and Single Kit Components. You can change and combine Close, Overhead and Room microphones at single component level, for best flexibility.
The library includes also as a bonus a nice selection of Cymbal swells


The library contains the following sounds/patches
– Flat kit (17 Patches) Two load-and-play Full Kits (featuring two different Hi-hats) and 15 single component patches. Includes a nice selection of cymbal swells.
– Phat kit (17 Patches) Two load-and-play Full Kits (featuring two different Hi-hats) and 15 single component patches. Includes a nice selection of cymbal swells.
– Saturated kit (17 Patches) Two load-and-play Full Kits (featuring two different Hi-hats) and 15 single component patches. Includes a nice selection of cymbal swells.


– Over 2 Gygabites of sampled material (1.1 Gbyte .ncw compressed)
– Three different mix versions (Flat, Phat and Saturated)
– Full kits and separate components for each mix version
– All samples are 24bit/44.100
– Separate mics for each single patch (Close, Overhead and Room)
– Round-robins for each singe patch
– Up to 22 velocities, depending on the Kit part
– Low memory usage, Laptop ready
– Please note: full version of Native Instruments Kontakt 4.2.3 or above is required



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