Samplitude Pro X是无与伦比的音频制作系统,完美的DAW – 安排和录制,编辑和混合,所有的方式,以专业的掌握和CD / DVD制作。一个完全可定制界面的工作和经验,根据您的需要的DAW。精密的音频引擎,支持64位,出色的母带质量插件5.1环绕混音和它能够进行无缝集成到您的工作室—Samplitude Pro X中最强大的音频工作站。

Windows x64 | File size: 910.44 MB

Samplitude Pro X is music production software for audio professionals that fulfils the highest demands in quality for each and every audio production, from first take to final master. Samplitude Pro X provides recording and mixing engineers with practical functions that revolutionize the standard DAW workflow. Edit in real time, during recording. Apply effects in a custom manner to individual clips. Visualize volume, frequency and phase information for selected tracks. Discover custom interfaces and automations that will redefine the efficiency of your very own workflow!

Functions that make all the difference

In detail
Edit even the smallest segments in large projects more efficiently. The Object editor gives you control over your own plug-ins, sends and automations for each clip.

Live editing
Start a recording – and start editing too, without waiting around. You can now cut, edit and export during the recording process.

Audio patterns
Find commonalities in your material. The audio search function marks similar sounds in locations throughout a file.

In color
The new WaveColor function lets you contrast frequencies and map out the sound character of recordings on the visual level.

In control
Keep everything in view: With the program’s Visualization tool you can monitor each track for peaks, loudness, frequency or phasing.

The user interface offers you the best options for freely arranging all elements within the docking system. Enjoy rapid access to essential functions at all times. Create your own workspaces.

Brand new functions
Creating custom workflows for our users has been a particular focus during the development of Samplitude Pro X7. The program now offers a range of new features based on knowledge gained from many years of experience and customer feedback. Discover new search functions, expanded automations, flexible editors and the right orientation for every step of your project – as the leading DAW for both all-rounders and specialists, Samplitude Pro X7 contains everything needed to achieve perfect sound. Hybrid power in a bundle – only in Samplitude Pro X7 Suite. Discover SOUND FORGE Pro 15, the latest Steinberg SpectraLayers Pro 8, two new iZotope Elements and bonus powerful instruments.

System Requirements
– You need a 64-bit version for the following operating systems
– Windows 11, Windows 10
– Processor
– – Intel 6th generation Core i-series or higher
– – AMD Ryzen or higher RAM
– RAM: 16 GB
– Graphics card: INFUSION Engine 3 provides hardware acceleration for import and export using Intel, NVIDIA and AMD GPUs
– – Intel Graphics HD 620 or higher with 4 GB (Intel driver version or higher)
– – NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1050ti or higher with 4 GB (GeForce Game Ready driver version 496.76 or higher)
– – AMD Radeon RX470 or higher with 4 GB
– Available drive space: 2 GB for program installation (10 GB recommended)

Program languages: English, Deutsch, Français, Español



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