
最牛逼钢琴之一!!! 做出版级编曲不可多得的钢琴利器啊


Production Voices Production Grand 2 Platinum KONTAKT
Size: 114.47 GB

Production Grand 2 is an exceptionally high-quality piano sample library for NI Kontakt 5.6 and above, consisting of eight microphone perspectives and over 120,000 samples of a Yamaha C7 grand piano recorded in a world-class recording studio. The library is 437.5 GB in size*!

Production Grand 2 is ideal for Studio Production, Stage Production, Film Score Production, Performance and more!

8 Microphone Perspectives

Production Grand Features:

•12 velocities pedal up samples
•12 velocities pedal down samples
•12 velocities release samples
•Authentic Pedalling: adds sympathetic resonance and realistic pedal control.
•Authentic hammer mechanism noises (labeled: Pre-Attack)
•User controllable recording noise for added studio realism
•Recorded with world-Class microphones: Coles, AKG, Classic U87s, B&K, Crown etc.
•Best possible A/D converters used: Burl Mothership
•Best possible microphone preamps used: API and Neve


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