iZotope Mobius Filter v1.00 MacOSX | 54 Mb

Add movement and emotion to your music with Mobius Filter’s infinitely ascending or descending filter sweeps. Find the sweet spot for your track quickly and fluidly, to push to extreme heights or add subtle hints of motion. Create fresh filter effects for any genre—massive filter swells, psychedelic alternatives to flange effects, or fresh inspiration for adventurous soundscapes.
Based on the auditory illusion of the Shepard tone, Mobius Filter creates perpetually rising or falling effects while maintaining full-frequency bandwidth. Add it to any source audio to instantly create fresh energy for your tracks.
Key Features:
– Drag it around: Draw your own expressive sweeps with the X/Y pad, making fluid adjustments to both Center Frequency and Resonance using a single control.
– Get in sync: Get a rapid, pulsing effect or slower motion by adjusting the Host Tempo Sync to anything from eighth notes to eight bars.
– Immerse yourself: Create an immersive environment with the Stereo slider, which widens the stereo field in an amount of your choosing.
– Put it on hold: Create a static filter effect by pausing the filter motion with the Pause function. Or, pause when it feels right and then automate to create custom sweeps.


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