Line 6 POD Farm v2.56 Platinum USB | 207 MB
POD Farm 2.5 and POD Farm 2.5 Platinum are premium tone plug-ins that add world-renowned POD® tone to any DAW. They are packed with extensive model counts for guitarists, bassists and vocalists, and deliver lightning-fast workflows. Each plug-in boasts an arsenal of historic amps and effects, the kinds gear fantasies are made of. They feature plenty of vintage and modern amps, cabs, studio-standard effects, classic stompboxes and colorful preamps. POD Farm 2.5 Platinum provides an astonishing collection of more than 250 meaty models. POD Farm 2.5 offers hand-picked essentials that no recording guitarist should be without.
The simple, carousel-style gear browser puts every last model at your fingertips. Dark and smoky American combos, gain-crazed British stacks and beyond. Just drag-and-drop models into the signal flow and build the perfect sound.
Enhanced routing with flexible DSP (digital signal processing) allows for a broader range of tones. Split your guitar signal and create two separate and simultaneous amp and effect signal chains with one click. Create a huge sound by routing up to 20 FX models (10 per chain) in any order, before or after your amp and cab models. You can even add post-cabinet mic preamps! Control the both chains with the virtual A/B/Y box.
POD Farm Elements will streamline your workflow and conserve CPU horsepower. They are plug-ins that contain POD Farm models grouped together by effect type. Instead of loading multiple instances of POD Farm 2.5, choose a modular approach and load single amps, preamps or effects.
POD Farm 2.5 and POD Farm 2.5 Platinum offer full MIDI support via any MIDI controller. We recommend Line 6 FBV Shortboard™ MkII and FBV Express™ MkII foot controllers. Intuitive MIDI Learn functionality makes it easy to control model bypass, volume, mute, global tap tempo, the virtual A/B/Y box and more.
POD Farm 2.5 and POD Farm 2.5 Platinum continue the recording revolution sparked over a decade ago by Line 6 Amp Farm®, the studio-standard modeling plug-in that forever changed the way guitarists record.


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