“ Commercial EDM Drops Vol 1”启动了一系列功能强大且高能量的建筑套件产品,专为尖端商业EDM生产商而设计。拥有令人愉悦的和弦进行,锋利的制作和疯狂的跌落和增添。该产品为制作人提供了丰富的功能选择,包括MIDI,单发和干采样。



无论您是拖放制作人,还是喜欢弄脏双手并将混音调整到最小细节的人,“ Commercial EDM Drops Vol 1”都可以满足您的要求。

与许多其他Producer Loop产品一样,“ Commercial EDM Drops Vol 1”包括每个套件中听到的大多数音乐短语的MIDI文件,使您可以将自己喜欢的合成器和采样器与包装中包含的声音无缝地混合在一起。 。

尽管提供的ACID / Apple Loops文件非常灵活和强大,但MIDI的另一个好处是,您可以将音调和速度调到极限,而原始录制的循环超出此极限,而无需花费时间或改变音调。此外,您可以对即兴演奏进行调整,使它们完全适合您现有的混音。


对于只想拖放的用户,“湿”文件包含音频演示中听到的所有效果处理。但是对于希望创建自己的效果混合的制作人,还包括“干”循环。不喜欢潮湿的循环吗?没问题; 添加您自己的效果。

Unlooped Riffs / Tails:
此示例库还提供Unlooped / tails版本,允许您以施加到循环中的混响/延迟衰减来结束乐句,这是“ Producer Loops”的另一项独家产品功能。



-苹果循环/ AIFF文件
-44.1 kHz / 24位
-兼容PC / Mac

Producer Loops Commercial EDM Drops Vol 1 MULTiFORMAT-DECiBEL|Samples, loops, presets, patches, impulses, MIDI, SF, Akai| 2.0GB

‘Commercial EDM Drops Vol 1’ kicks off a new series of powerful & high energy Construction Kit products designed for producers of cutting-edge commercial EDM. Featuring euphoric chord progressions, razor sharp production and insane drops & builds. This product comes with a generous selection of features for producers including MIDI, One-Shots and dry samples.

Capture the sound of modern commercial EDM with this collection of five Construction Kits packed full of dry and wet loops and samples, One-Shots, FX tails, fills/impacts and MIDI files.

You’ll find everything from lush pads and deep basses to sharp piercing synth FX and dramatic impacts, all underpinned by a solid drum section.

Whether you’re a drag-and-drop producer or someone who likes to get their hands dirty and tweak your mix down to the smallest detail, ‘Commercial EDM Drops Vol 1’ has you covered.

MIDI Files Included:
Like so many other Producer Loops products, ‘Commercial EDM Drops Vol 1’ includes MIDI files for the majority of musical phrases heard in each Kit, allowing you to seamlessly mix your favourite synths and samplers with the sounds contained in the pack.

Advantages of MIDI:
While the supplied ACID/Apple Loops files are extremely flexible and powerful, MIDI has the added benefit of allowing you to go to extremes of pitch and tempo beyond which the loops were originally recorded, with no time stretching or pitch shifting artefacts. Furthermore, you can make tweaks to the riffs so they fit perfectly into your existing mixes.

One-Shot Samples:
This pack also includes One-Shot samples, allowing you to create new beats, fills and loops to compliment the existing material. Simply load them up into your sampler of choice and create an infinite number of new grooves and phrases.

Dry/Wet Loops:
For users looking to simply drag and drop, the ‘wet’ files contain all of the effects processing heard in the audio demos. But for producers looking to create their own effects mix, ‘dry’ loops are also included. Don’t like the wet loops? No problem; add your own effects.

Unlooped Riffs/Tails:
This sample library also comes with unlooped/tail versions allowing you to end a phrase with the decay of the reverb/delay applied to the loop, another “Producer Loops” exclusive product feature.

All of the loops in this product are 100% Royalty-Free (including the vocal loops), so once purchased, you can use these loops in your commercial releases without having to pay any hidden costs.

– 5 Construction Kits
– 147 Individual Samples
– 11 MIDI Files
– Synth bass, leads, impacts & risers
– ACIDized WAV Files
– Apple Loops/AIFF Files
– Loops sync to BPM
– 44.1 kHz/24-Bit
– PC/Mac Compatible
– Royalty-Free (No Exceptions)


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