IK Multimedia Art Deco Piano for SampleTank 3/4 Library for SampleTank | AudioZ Exclusive | 465.97 MB

体验有史以来最具视觉冲击力的钢琴之一的明亮现代的声音 标志性的丹麦设计和有条不紊的德国建筑结合在一起,打造出装饰艺术钢琴,这是一款发烧级的 SampleTank 乐器系列,包含超过 1GB 的内容,超过 600声音丰富的立体声样本。
Art Deco Piano 忠实再现了 1930 年代的经典 Blüthner® PH 三角钢琴。这是有史以来最具声音和视觉冲击力的钢琴之一。其标志性的俯冲曲线设计由丹麦设计师 Poul Henningsen 提供。
它没有使用传统的木箱,它由金属、皮革和其他材料制成,提供了明亮而现代的声音,我们用一对匹配的 Neumann TLM-​​170R 电容话筒与顶级录音室前置放大器相连。
装饰艺术钢琴是一种与众不同的声音体验。为了提供这种体验,IK 不知疲倦地工作以提供最大的真实感。我们的工程师团队花了数月时间确保这台美丽乐器的每一个细微差别都被正确捕捉,以便您可以在您的制作和表演中使用它。每个音符都经过 8 种特定力度的精心采样,以方便演奏。我们还在必要时省略了一些音符,以确保键盘上的平滑键转换和统一的音调。它还包括用于 SampleTank 的原声共振效果的实际录制的钢琴音板 (Piano 4) 的模型。
或者,换句话说,真实度如此之高,以至于如果您在演奏时闭上眼睛,您会发誓您在音乐厅或奢华的这些非凡的定制乐器之一的琴键、皮革和抛光金属后面欧洲豪宅。虽然装饰艺术钢琴基于过去设计的钢琴,但其明亮的音调使其成为流行、摇滚、R&B、爵士、古典以及几乎任何其他需要活泼和激进声音的音乐风格的绝佳选择。内容: 10 乐器Art Deco Piano Art Deco Piano Bright Art Deco Piano Dark Art Deco 温暖客厅Art Deco Piano Tank Art Deco Piano Chorus Art Deco Piano Flange Art Deco Chorus-Flange Art Deco Phase 1
Art Deco Phase 2

Library 大小:

超过 1.5GB 的内容
600 多个立体声样本
10 种乐器

Experience the bright and modern sound of one of the most visually and sonically striking pianos of all time
Iconic Danish design and methodical German construction come together for Art Deco Piano, an audiophile-grade SampleTank instrument collection that includes over 1GB of content with more than 600 sonically rich stereo samples.
Art Deco Piano is a faithful recreation of a classic 1930’s Blüthner® PH Grand Piano. This is one of the most sonically and visually striking pianos ever made. Its iconic swooping and curvy design comes courtesy of Danish designer Poul Henningsen.
Made without a traditional wood cabinet, its build of metal, leather and other materials offers a bright and modern sound that we captured with a matched pair of Neumann TLM-170R condenser microphones running into top-quality studio preamps.

IK Multimedia Art Deco Piano for SampleTank 3/4 screenshot
Art Deco Piano is a sonic experience like no other. And to deliver that experience, IK has worked tirelessly to deliver the utmost in realism. Our team of engineers spent months making sure that every nuance and subtly of this beautiful instrument has been properly captured so that you can use it in your productions and performances.

IK Multimedia Art Deco Piano for SampleTank 3/4 screenshot
Each note has been meticulously sampled at 8 specific velocities for easy playability. We’ve also omitted a few notes where necessary to ensure smooth key transitions and uniform tonality across the keyboard. It also includes a model of the actual recorded piano’s soundboard (Piano 4) for SampleTank’s Acoustic Resonance effect.

Or, in other words, the realism level is so high that if you close your eyes while playing, you’ll swear that you’re behind the keys, leather and polished metal of one of these remarkable custom instruments in a concert hall or lavish European mansion.

IK Multimedia Art Deco Piano for SampleTank 3/4 screenshot
And while Art Deco Piano is based on a piano designed in the past, its bright tonality makes it a fantastic choice for pop, rock, R&B, jazz, classical and just about any other style of music that calls for a lively and aggressive sound.


10 Instruments

Art Deco Piano
Art Deco Piano Bright
Art Deco Piano Dark
Art Deco Warm Parlour
Art Deco Piano Tank
Art Deco Piano Chorus
Art Deco Piano Flange
Art Deco Chorus-Flange
Art Deco Phase 1
Art Deco Phase 2

Library size:

Over 1.5GB of content
More than 600 stereo samples
10 Instruments
Includes new soundboard Impulse Response for the Acoustic Resonance effect


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