可演奏、充满活力且深度采样的长笛合奏来自 Strezov Orchestra: Woodwinds 会议。创建时考虑到了工作作曲家的需求,并具有易于使用的界面。

与我们盛大的 Storm Choir 2 和 AMS Brass 库在同一个大厅录制,这个长笛合奏是任何在那里创作管弦乐的作曲家必备的。在 Staccatos 上提供四种不同的麦克风位置(关闭、decca、支腿、阳台)、三个动态层、真正的连奏、过度的腿部延音和多达 7 个循环采样,这个库拥有您编写复杂和良好的长笛线条所需的一切。


– 带有真正连奏的正常延音(记录到 fff)
– 断奏
– 测量代表
– 短颤音(小调和大调)
– 八度运行

需要 Native Instruments Kontakt 5.3.0+ 完整版!


Playable, full of life and deeply sampled Flutes ensemble from the Strezov Orchestra: Woodwinds sessions. Created with the needs of the working composer in mind and featuring an easy to use interface.

About this module:
Recorded in the same hall as our grand Storm Choir 2 and AMS Brass libraries this flute ensemble is a must have for any composer writing orchestral music out there. Offering four different mic positions (close, decca, outrigger, balcony), three dynamic layers, true legato, overblown leg sustains and up to 7 Round Robin samples on the Staccatos this library has everything you need to write complex and good sounding flute lines.

This library again stands as a perfect example of our sampling philosophy to not put a huge amount of post processing into the samples, but emphasizing the live character of the incredible talented Bulgarian musicians we had the honour of working together with. Therefore the tonality of our orchestra is very similar to that Golden Age of Hollywood sound.

This module includes the following articulations:
– normal Sustains with true legato (recorded up to fff)
– staccato
– meassured reps
– short trills (minor and major)
– octave runs

Requires Native Instruments Kontakt 5.3.0+ FULL version!

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