ProjectSam Orchestral Essentials 1 v1.2 KONTAKT | 7.78 Gb

ProjectSAM从他们的每个产品中精心选择了必需品,包括广受赞誉的Symphobia系列,True Strike系列和Orchestral Brass Classic,并将它们捆绑到一个有效的,用途广泛的包装中。而且,包括了其他ProjectSAM产品中未发现的新仪器。

Orchestral Essentials涵盖了完整的乐团,弦乐,铜管乐器和木管乐团,古典乐和世界打击乐,可为您提供合适的弹药,以备受赞誉的“电影SAM声音”开始为电影,游戏或流行音乐打分。对于每个管弦乐队,都提供了必不可少的清晰度列表,以及一种富有表现力的连奏乐器以及一组鼓舞人心的簇,纹理和效果。除了这些管弦乐元素之外,您还可以找到音乐会竖琴,教堂风琴,ProjectSAM著名的反乌托邦音效设计,以及迷人的三角钢琴和大键琴,这是Orchestral Essentials独有的。

所有样本均已针对新设计​​的直观Orchestral Essentials界面进行了重新编程。所有的Multis都是全新的,并且由于包含钢琴,大键琴和竖琴,因此比以往任何时候都更具启发性。这使Orchestral Essentials成为初次使用SAM用户和现有SAM所有者的理想库。 Orchestral Essentials遵循ProjectSAM的合奏录音哲学。琴弦,铜管乐器和木管乐器被作为部分采样,因为没有什么能比音乐厅中的交响乐乐器更真实。 ProjectSAM在各种编排中捕捉了这种魔力。例如,想象一下牛角和长号的高贵声音自然地一起演奏。


ProjectSAM has carefully selected the essentials from each of their products, including the highly praised Symphobia series, True Strike series and Orchestral Brass Classic, and bundled them into one effective, incredibly versatile package. Moreover, new instruments not found in any other ProjectSAM products have been included.

Covering full orchestra, string, brass and woodwind ensembles, classical and world percussion, Orchestral Essentials gives you the right ammo to start scoring for film, games or pop with the acclaimed “cinematic SAM sound”. For each of the orchestral sections, an essential list of articulations is available, as well as one expressive legato instrument and an inspiring set of clusters, textures and effects. Apart from these orchestral elements, you will also find a concert harp, church organ, ProjectSAM’s renowned Dystopia sound design, and, exclusive to Orchestral Essentials, an enchanting grand piano and harpsichord.

All samples have been reprogrammed for the newly designed and intuitive Orchestral Essentials interface. All Multis are completely new and, because of the inclusion of piano, harpsichord and harp, are more inspiring than ever before. This makes Orchestral Essentials a fantastic library for first-time SAM users and existing SAM owners alike. Orchestral Essentials follows ProjectSAM’s ensemble recording philosophy. Strings, brass and woodwinds were sampled as sections, as nothing beats the authentic blend of orchestral instruments in a concert hall. ProjectSAM captures this magic in various orchestrations; for example, imagine the noble sound of horns and trombones performing together naturally.


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