Arturia Mini V3 v3.7.1 1263 (WiN\MAC) [MORiA]| AU | VST | VST3 | Standalone | 577.5 MB

通过与鲍勃·穆格(Bob Moog)的合作,我们重新创建了他70年代早期合成器的传奇界面,受到了几代音乐家的追捧。真正使这个合成器成为《传奇传说》的是声音,因此我们也非常注意对其内部特征的微妙建模。
Mini V保留了屡获殊荣的先前版本的所有原始特征。
Mini V版本3更新了过滤器设计,使其比以往更加准确。强大而丰富的低音,由于久经考验的TAE®技术的最新发展,忠实地再现了“自由运行”的波形。
当需要肥厚,深沉的起泡低音时,除了Mini V别无其他选择。70年代最流行的制作人也以其强大的主音而闻名,他知道这种合成器是goto工具。

V 3.7.1
* VST3 MIDI学习现在可以在Live(Windows)中正确映射到CC
*现在可以在Reason 10仪器中正确显示VST工具栏
Mac OS 10.13 High Sierra或更高版本
Windows 8.1或更高版本


From the starship funk lead lines of the ‘70s to the gangster whine of mid ‘90s hip-hop, the ever-present MiniMg has been making its fat presence known for over 4 decades.
In partnership with Bob Moog we recreated the legendary interface of his early 70’s synth that was and is loved by generations of musicians. What truly makes this synth the Legend of Legends is its sound, and so we took great care to model the subtleties of its internal characteristics as well.
A good thing made better
Mini V has kept all of the original characteristics of its award-winning previous versions.
Mini V version 3 updates the filter design to make it even more accurate than ever. Powerful and rich bass, faithfully reproduced ‘free-running’ waveforms thanks to new advances in our long proven TAE® technology.
A class of its own
When fat, deep blistering bass is needed, there is no further need to go anywhere but to Mini V. Also famous for its powerful lead sounds, the greatest hit makers in the ’70’s knew that this synth was the goto tool.
A Sonic Expansion
But we’re not resting on our laurels.
While the original product set the sound of the 70’s we have taken it to new realms. We have added an advanced modulator that allows you to draw a shape and control many parameters creating a movement and interest. A vocal filter expands sonic possibilities with a formant-analysis based effect: now you can make that synth talk! A modulation matrix has been added dramatically improving on the original design and doing away with its limitations.

V 3.7.1
January 26, 2021
Bug fixes:
* Fixed issues with tutorials
* No more font issues on case-sensitive operating systems
* VST3 MIDI learn now properly maps to CC in Live (Windows)
* VST toolbar is now properly displayed in Reason 10 instruments
* No more conflicts between the side panel and the resize function
* Type icons size have been reduced to avoid scrolling when browsing presets
REQ: Operating System
Mac OS 10.13 High Sierra or higher
Windows 8.1 or higher


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