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talo – sampler不仅仅是一个样本演奏者。这是一个功能齐全的模拟模型合成器,以采样引擎作为声源,包括一个强大的调制矩阵和一个高质量的24/12/6分贝自振荡低通滤波器。不要期望有一个40GB的钢琴样本库,包含每个速度的样本或类似的东西。这个想法是带回来的乐趣采样是在过去的好时光小样本,快速加载时间和直观的工作流程,创建自己的样本预设,而不会迷失在设置。



talo采样器有VST,音频单元和AAX插件格式。你可以加载和播放你自己的样本在每个常见的样本格式(*。wav, *。aiff *。如果,*。mp3, *。ogg, * .flac)。从finder或explorer中拖放导入样本。还有一个直观的样本浏览器,可以帮助快速找到样本。

复古的DAC模式(Emu II, AM6070, S1000,样品保持,线性,干净)。
陡峭的96dB低通重构滤波器(Emu II和am6070f)。
三个AHDSR信封,复古的数字/ RC模式。
自谐振零反馈延迟滤波器(24/12/6 dB LP, HP, BP, AP, Notch)。
广泛的音频格式支持(*。wav, *。aiff *。如果,*。mp3, *。ogg, * .flac)。

Windows: Windows XP或更高(64位)
AAX: Pro Tools 10.3.6或更高版本


TAL-Sampler is not just a sample player. It’s a full featured analog modeled synthesizer with a sampler engine as sound source, including a powerful modulation matrix and a high quality self-oscillating 24/12/6 dB low pass filter. Don’t expect a 40GB piano sample library with samples for every velocity or something similar. The idea is to bring back the fun sampling was in the good old times with small samples, fast loading times and an intuitive work-flow to create your own sample presets without getting lost in the settings.

It’s possible to choose between different digital analog converters (DAC’s) to get the vintage sound of different hardware samplers inside your DAW. We don’t make cheap bit crushing or decimation on the output signal. We really down-sample the sample to the desired sampling frequency, then process the data depending on the chosen DAC and up-sample it to the desired pitch. Most DAC modes offer a LEVEL slider. This feature allows the user to reduce the volume of the recorded sample and decreases the sample quality. Load your favorite high quality sample and make it sound vintage and noisy. The 24dB low pass filter will like it!

The plug-in has four layers an can play four samples simultaneous. There is also a simple SFZ import for samples that imports the mapping and sample paths, but the plug-in also contains an easy to use mapping editor.

TAL-Sampler is available in the VST, Audio Unit and AAX plug-in format. You can load and play your own samples in every common sample format (*.wav, *.aiff, *.aif, *.mp3, *.ogg, *.flac). Import samples with drag & drop from finder or explorer. There is also an intuitive sample browser that helps to find samples fast.
Some nice additions like a vintage real-time time stretcher and the possibility to modulate or automate the sample loop positions.

Vintage DAC modes (Emu II, AM6070, S1000, Sample Hold, Linear, Clean).
Steep 96dB low-pass reconstruction filter (Emu II and AM6070 F).
Variable sample rate.
Powerful MOD-Matrix.
Four sample layers.
Three AHDSR envelopes with vintage Digital / RC mode.
Three LFO’s (Triangle, Saw, Rectangle, Random, Noise).
High Quality effects (Reverb, EQ, Delay).
Self resonating zero feedback delay filter (24/12/6 dB LP, HP, BP, AP, Notch).
Wide range of audio formats supported (*.wav, *.aiff, *.aif, *.mp3, *.ogg, *.flac).
Scalable high resolution user interface.
The possibility to change font and background colour.
Fast sample and preset loading.
SFZ and SF2 sample import.
More than 100 presets available as download (on the right).

Windows: Windows XP or higher (64 bit)
AAX: Pro Tools 10.3.6 or higher



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