DISCOVER | 05/October/2021 | 708MB

Inspiration Sounds 的“Trauma”是一个令人惊叹的建筑套件系列,其灵感来自钻探领域的著名艺术家,如流行烟雾和 Fivio Foreign。这些套件采用更“美国化”的纽约版 Drill 音乐,展现了 Drill 所有病态和骇人听闻的荣耀的精髓,以及该类型的大量真正关键组件,例如饱和鼓和 808、怪异的和弦和旋律、深沉颤动的低音线和低音炮,以及经过大量处理的人声纹理和充满深色调和冷酷音调的氛围。

拥有超过 15 年的音乐轨迹,此包背后的制作人拥有 50 Cent、Tank、Fetty Wap、Method Man、Rick Ross、Ghostface Killah、Jadakiss、Nore、Conway The Machine 等行业重量级的制作信用、穆尔达叔叔、谢海姆、肖恩·普莱斯、Sexion D’assaut、自制唱片、史诗般的历史说唱大战、Rockstar Games(洛杉矶午夜俱乐部)、NBA、Ball Is Life 等等。

我们确保包含最优质的样本和循环,并利用特定于流派的处理技术来确保它们贯穿混音。本产品中的所有循环都是 100% 免版税的,因此一旦购买,您就可以在商业曲目中使用这些循环,而无需支付任何隐藏费用。

……:::::: 一次性样品::::::……

……:::::: MIDI 文件包括 ::::::……
‘Trauma’ 包括每个 Kit 中听到的大多数音乐短语的 MIDI 文件,让您可以将您最喜欢的合成器和采样器与包中包含的声音无缝混合。

……:::::: 产品规格 ::::::……
• 格式:(多格式)
• 5 x 构建套件
• 酸化 WAV 循环文件
• Apple/AIFF 循环文件
• REX2 循环
• Ableton Live Pack -(8.1.3+ 或更高版本)
• Properllerheads Reason ReFill Pack
• 关键和节奏标签
• 44.1kHz/24 位高品质
• 完成完全混音和母带
• 兼容所有 DAW
• PC 和 Mac 兼容
• 100% 免版税


‘Trauma’ by Inspiration Sounds is a stunning collection of Construction Kits inspired by renowned artists of the Drill scene such as Pop Smoke and Fivio Foreign. Taking on a more ‘Americanized’ New York version of Drill music, these kits lay bare the essence of Drill in all its morbid and lurid glory with loads of genuine key components of the genre, such as saturated drums and 808s, eerie chords and melodies, deep wobbled basslines and subs, and heavily processed vocal textures and atmospheres full of dark shades and grim tones.

With a musical trajectory of more than 15 years, the producer behind this pack has production credits with heavy weights of the industry such as 50 Cent, Tank, Fetty Wap, Method Man, Rick Ross, Ghostface Killah, Jadakiss, Nore, Conway The Machine, Uncle Murda, Shyheim, Sean Price, Sexion D’assaut, Self-made Records, Epic Rap Battles Of History, Rockstar Games (Midnight Club LA), NBA, Ball Is Life and countless others.

We’ve made sure to include the best quality samples and loops and utilize genre specific processing techniques to ensure they cut through the mix. All of the loops in this product are 100% Royalty-Free, so once purchased, you can use these loops in your commercial track releases without having to pay any hidden costs.

……:::::: One-Shot Samples ::::::……
Alongside the loops, this pack includes one-shot samples, allowing you to create new beats, fills and loops to complement the existing material. Simply load them up into your sampler of choice and create an infinite number of fresh ideas.

……:::::: MIDI Files Included ::::::……
‘Trauma’ includes MIDI files for the majority of musical phrases heard in each Kit, allowing you to seamlessly mix your favourite synths and samplers with the sounds contained in the pack.

……:::::: Product Specifications ::::::……
• Format: (MULTi-FORMAT)
• 5 x Construction Kits
• ACIDized WAV Loops Files
• Apple/AIFF Loops Files
• REX2 Loops
• Ableton Live Pack – (8.1.3+ Or Higher)
• Properllerheads Reason ReFill Pack
• Key And Tempo-Labelled
• 44.1kHz/24-Bit High Quality
• Complete Fully Mixed And Mastered
• Compatible With All DAWs
• PC & Mac Compatible
• 100% Royalty-Free


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