Team DECiBEL | 02 Feb 2021 | 2.30GB

在本课程中,您将学习如何制作重击Future Bass曲目并学习如何制作混音!

您的导师Nervz会为您提供一个独特的制作过程介绍,分享他的技巧,窍门和项目文件,并指导您从初学者到熟练的Future Bass曲目,就像您在工作室里并排坐着一样。



Future Bass涉及的是打击鼓,引人入胜的人声排练和FULL混合音。您将学习如何对和弦进行分层,处理鼓,甚至找到混音茎并在录音棚中保持创意!我们分享我们希望知道的一切。



In this course you will learn how to produce hard hitting Future Bass track & learn how to make Remixes!

Your tutor Nervz gives you an exclusive look into his production process, shares his tips, tricks and project files and guides you from your first kick to a mastered Future Bass track as if you were sitting side by side in the studio.

What exactly are you getting?
– 4+ h Full Start to Finish Course in 4k
– 34+ in depth sessions from the first sketch to a finished master
– FL Project Files & Samples included

Start to Finish
Learn all steps to produce a Future Bass banger – from an empty project file to a finished master. We explain everything in detail as if we are sitting next to you. You will know exactly what to do to achieve outstanding tracks!

Production LEVEL UP
Future Bass is all about hard-hitting drums, catchy vocal chops & FULL mixes. You will learn how to layer chords, process drums, and even find remix stems & stay creative in the studio! We share everything we wished we knew.

Top-Chart-Ready Quality
After this class you will know how to emphasise your low end without blowing your speakers, how to add depth and atmosphere and how to process remix vocals to sit right in the mix. Your track will be ready for the Top Chart!

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