TEAM MAGNETRiXX | March 04 2017 | 19 GB
Production Grand LE is a high-quality piano sample library for NI Kontakt 4.2 and above, consisting of eight microphone perspectives and over 42,800 samplesof a Yamaha C7 grand piano recorded in a world-class recording studio. Production Grand LE is the downloadable “Light Edition” of the larger Production Grand. Production Grand LE contains both the Modern and Vintage Silver 16 bit 44.1 kHz editions of Production Grand. It is complete with eight microphone perspectives. Production Grand LE requires a full version of Kontakt 4.2 or Kontakt 5 and greater (not provided).

Production Grand LE Features:

•12 velocities pedal up samples
•12 velocities pedal down samples
•12 velocities release samples
•Authentic Pedalling: adds pedal resonance and realistic pedal control.
•Authentic hammer mechanism noises (labeled: Pre-Attack)
•User controllable recording noise for added studio realism
•Recorded with world-Class microphones: Coles, AKG, Classic U87s, B&K, Crown etc.
•Best possible A/D converters used: Burl Mothership
•Best possible microphone preamps used: API and Neve

Microphone Perspectives:

1. Player’s Perspective: Player’s perspective that is near binaural. When you put on your headphones with this perspective, it will sound like you are there playing the piano! The player’s perspective was recorded with a Crown SASS-P MKII.

2. Hammer Microphones: I’m a big fan of hammer microphones. With the hammers recorded you will get plenty of attack and a more aggressive sound.

3. & 4. Inside Microphones: This is the sound most people associate with piano recordings. We decided on two sets of inside piano microphones: vintage Neumann U87s (they say West Germany on them!) and the modern Rode NT2As. This gives the player the ability to get that classic piano sound or the modern wider-range sound or both!

5. Outside Microphones: Just outside the piano we used really expensive Neumann M149 modern tube microphones. The engineer called these the “Golden Sound” microphones. This microphone pair has a classy sound and a more balanced tone than the inside and hammer microphones.

6. & 7. Room Microphones: In an attempt to give you modern and classic choices, we used Coles ribbon microphones and AKG C414s on the rooms. The ribbons sound like… ribbons… smooth and velvety! Ribbons take EQ well; another reason to include them. The AKGs sound true to the piano’s tone in the room.

8. Under Piano Microphone: Underneath the middle of the piano we used a PZM (pressure zone) microphone to give a clear centre image to the sound.


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