Team DECiBEL | 10 Sep 2020 | 9.07GB




该库具有10种不同的麦克风,包括一个新的Trailer Mix麦克风,为你提供最前卫、最激进的麦克风设置。4个Hall-Based话筒(Mixed,Decca,Far and Wide)和5个亲密的近距离Spot话筒,为你提供更多细节的声音。



66-Tubas是有史以来规模最大的交响大号乐团。66位专业Tubas演奏家在一个大型现代音乐厅里进行了一次生命中的聚会。我们拆除了大厅里所有的椅子和挡板–以最大限度地提高混响,混响时间超过3秒。这也是我们为Majestica、Lacrimosa、Acoustic Grand Ensembles、CAGE和许多其他乐器所使用的音乐厅。


66-Tubas是温暖的,大的,深沉的,美丽的。它包含了一套丰富的深度采样衔接(Ex. True Legato, Many Arcs, Several Sustain Types, Trills, Flutter Tongue, Crescendos and Decrescendos, Staccato, Marcatos, Sforzando)和几类新的衔接(Ex. Half and Wholte-Note Bends, Clusters, Rips, Dynamic Waves and Cluster Waves, Growls, Tuba Singing)以及中间的一切。丰富的深度在一切。




需要完整的Kontakt 5.7+零售版/不兼容免费的Kontakt Player。
作为主机或独立的应用程序、VST或音频单元插件、Pro Tools下的AAX运行。
采样分辨率。48Khz / 24Bit立体声.wav, .ncw格式。

66-Tubas is the second creation in our Legion Series – an instrument line dedicated to solving specific needs in epic cinematic music.

66-Tubas is all about professional cinematic Tuba. We gathered a 66-piece symphonic Tuba ensemble in our favourite modern recording hall, Zlin. The ensemble was created by uniting professional Tuba players from 13 different countries in Europe. A life-time opportunity and all the players gave it their absolute best in these sessions. It shows.

66-Tubas contains all common articulations (Sustains Types, Short Notes, Arcs, Effects, Note-Bends etc) and a large set of new articulations (Dynamic Waves, Tuning Clusters, BPM-based Ostinatos, Bridge FX etc).

The library features 10 different microphones, including a new Trailer Mix microphone that offers you the most upfront and aggressive microphone setting. 4 Hall-Based microphones (Mixed, Decca, Far and Wide) and 5 intimate close Spot microphones for more detailed sound.

66-Tubas also features a new 3D-rendered UI with a new 4-part modulation engine and a whole special section of BPM-based Ostinatos.

66-Tubas cost us over $82.000 to produce and is the second of several in our Legion series. It is the dream of super cinematic brass fulfilled. Strong, Warm and Deep.

66-Tubas contains the largest symphonic Tuba ensemble ever recorded. A once in a life-gathering of 66 professional Tubas players – in a large, modern concert hall. We removed all chairs and baffles in the hall – to maximize the reverberation, which goes over 3 seconds. It is the same hall we used for Majestica, Lacrimosa, Acoustic Grand Ensembles, CAGE and many other instruments.

9 Microphones and 1 Binural
The library contains 10 different microphone positions, including new Trailer Mix microphone, which offer the most aggressive combination of microphone settings. It was designed to make your mixes strong in an instant. The library also includes 4-Hall Microphones (Decca, Mixed, Far, Wide) and 5 Close Spot Microphones.

Rich, Warm and Deep Articulations
66-Tubas is warm, big, deep and beautiful. It contains a rich set of deep-sampled articulations (Ex. True Legato, Many Arcs, Several Sustain Types, Trills, Flutter Tongue, Crescendos and Decrescendos, Staccato, Marcatos, Sforzando) and several categories of new articulations (Ex. Half and Wholte-Note Bends, Clusters, Rips, Dynamic Waves and Cluster Waves, Growls, Tuba Singing) and everything in between. Rich depth in everything.

4-Part Modulation Engine
66-Tubas also includes our new 4-part modulation engine for extreme sample and effects work. The 4 modulation engines each contain their own X/Y Matrix grid – and you can assign an FX parameter to both the X/Y value. In addition powerful functions like reverse and stack is only a click away. Stack allows you to play several articulations at the same time. Highly useful for synth presets.

Instant Features
66-Tubas has a large array of intuitive controls. You can instantly stack and combine as many articulations as you want. Reverse everything with a single click. Adjust the speed, pitch, sample offset with just a touch. The idea is to offer you the most essential and intuitive controls. Back to the music.

Pro-grade Cinematic Super Brass
True 66-Person Symphonic Tuba Ensemble
10.120 Samples. 18.9GB HDD (compressed to 9.1GB)
66 Tubas Sustain Types, True Legato and Deep Short Notes
66 Tubas Arcs, Marcatos, Bends, Tons of FX & Unique Arts
4 Speciality Built SFX Pads for modulation + Chaos FX 3.4
Mix, Decca, Wide, Far and Trailer Mix Microphone positions
5 Close Spot Microphone positions
All patches come with DFD, TM and TMPRO options
15 In-House Custom Presets

Full Retail version of Kontakt 5.7+ required / Not compatible with free Kontakt Player
Runs as host or stand-alone application, VST or Audio Units plug-in, AAX under Pro Tools
Minimum: Intel Core i5 or equivalent CPU. 8 GB of RAM or more is highly recommended. For TMPro Patches, i7 or equivalent is highly recommended.
66-Tubas requires 9.1GB of Hard Drive Space
8 GB of RAM or more is highly recommended
Sample resolution: 48Khz / 24Bit stereo .wav, .ncw format
Format(s): Kontakt


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