Kirk Hunter Studios Concert Strings 3 | March 14 2017 | 8.74 GB

这是猎人弦乐的第三代的音色库,前面几代其实做得也不错。在2014次发行的独唱弦乐独奏会上,其中包括4名个人球员,这个想法创造了一个更能解决问题的图书馆;多达16个。进入音乐会弦乐3,其中包括多达16个人,单独录制的球员。16第一小提琴、16小提琴第二,16 Violas,16,16的低音大提琴,使用单个播放器的独特优势很容易看到;能够创建各种截面尺寸。例如,在第一小提琴,你可以从四小提琴第一小“工作室”部分中创建的任何东西,或者打电话给大16的第一把小提琴合奏。












After the 2014 release of Spotlight Solo Strings, which included 4 individual players, the idea came to create a library that could address even more; up to 16. Enter Concert Strings 3 which is comprised of up to 16 individual, separately-recorded players. 16 1st Violins, 16 2nd Violins, 16 Violas, 16 Cellos, 16 Basses
That’s 80 string players in all!
Kirk Hunter Studios Concert Strings 3 KONTAKT-SYNTHiC4TE screenshot
The unique advantages of using individual players was easy to see; the ability to create various section sizes. For example, in the 1st violins, you can create anything from a small “studio” section of four 1st violins, or call up a large ensemble of 16 1st violins.

Other advantages:

The ability to control each player’s volume.

The ability to control each player’s panning.

The ability to control how “tightly” or “loosely” the players would start each note, thereby creating unparalleled realism.

The ability to create true divisi. No more “bloated” sound and excessive polyphony when playing chords.

However, containing features for the individual players was not enough. So Concert Strings 3, designed with an easy-to-use interface, and programmed to provide a fast workflow, is stuffed full of the requisite features you would expect from a high-end string library, and then some.

The Concept

It’s pretty well-known that the market of good string libraries has become quite competitive. So in contemplating whether or not to develop yet another one, the focus would have to be filling a gap in this market. There seemed to be two gaps: 1. A string library that really has more “life” to it, and is extremely playable. While there are many good-sounding string libraries available today, it is our belief that there could be a more “in-your-face”, punchy and dramatic library that would not only sound fantastic on its own, but would work for users who were worried whether getting yet another new string library would both work on its own, and/or still work with their go-to libraries that they already invested in. The idea of the latter being to add vitality and complexity when mixed or layered with these other libraries. Concert Strings 3 has been tested in this way using many other popular string libraries, and the results were quite dramatic. They sound great on their own, or they really do add a new dimension to any existing string library you may already have. 2. An easy-to-understand and truly authentic “auto-divisi”. (See DivisiLive® below.)


Concert Strings 3 uses up to 16 different players in each instrument. Each player was recorded separately and is additionally programmed in its own group in Kontakt. Therefore, it is possible to implement a true divisi when chords are played. This means that no matter how many notes you play in a chord, no more than 16 players (depending on the instrument) will sound. The result avoids what would normally sound “bloated” and loud in other string libraries. Additionally, it enables you to write a chord in your score on one track with the proper results.


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