独立摇滚 4
Indie Rock 4 提供了一张适合图表的现代摇滚曲目。该库拥有 10 个功能齐全的构建套件,拥有激发下一个现代独立摇滚项目所需的一切。这种风格结合了充足的能量和态度、古怪的边缘,但也传递了良好的流行感。

该库包含 4 GB 的样本,包含 1000 多个循环和短语。 10 个构建套件中的每一个都包含 2 到 4 个不同的音乐部分,以及前奏和尾声部分,因此可以轻松构建完整的基于歌曲的编曲。原始节奏跨度为 128 至 168 BPM,以获得高能量的感觉。然而,凭借 Elastik 出色的时间拉伸和音高转换功能,乐句也可以在套件之间混合和匹配,或者轻松调整其速度或音高以适应现有音乐项目的需求。

这些乐器包括电吉他和原声吉他、电贝司和合成贝司、一系列键盘,包括电钢琴、风琴、合成器和打击垫以及原声鼓。吉他乐句以清音/DI 和放大器/过载版本呈现。对于贝司乐句,提供了 DI、放大器和合成贝司版本。所有的鼓演奏都以预混立体声格式和单独的循环形式提供,用于底鼓(麦克风输入和麦克风输出)、军鼓顶部、军鼓底部、踩镲、嗵鼓、镲片、头顶和室内麦克风。这些不同的组合使您可以方便地快速工作,或者可以选择使用您自己选择的放大器模拟和效果来完全制作声音。

Indie Rock 4 将摇滚边缘和态度与现代广播制作完美融合。这是歌曲创作或乐谱应用的绝佳组合。无论是开始您的下一个歌曲制作项目,还是为您最新的音乐到画面乐谱提供杀手级曲目,Indie Rock 4 都能让您以最好的方式摇滚。

Kai Reuter 演奏的吉他、贝司和琴键
马蒂亚斯·穆塞尔(Matthias Meusel)演奏的鼓


Indie Rock 4
Indie Rock 4 delivers a slice of chart-ready, modern rock tracks. With 10 fully featured construction kits, this library has everything you need to inspire your next modern indie rock project. The style combines plenty of energy and attitude, a quirky edge, but also delivers a good dollop of pop sensibility.

Performances With Plenty Of Energy
The library contains 4 GB of samples, with over 1000 loops and phrases. Each of the 10 construction kits contains between 2 to 4 distinct musical parts, as well as intro and outro sections, making it easy to construct full song-based arrangements. The original tempos span 128 to 168 BPM for a high-energy feel. However, with Elastik’s excellent time-stretching and pitch-shifting capabilities, phrases can also be mixed and matched between kits, or easily have their tempo or pitch adjusted to suit the needs of an existing musical project.

Easy To Build Complete Songs
The instruments included feature electric and acoustic guitars, electric and synth bass, a range of keyboards including electric pianos, organs, synths and pads and acoustic drums. The guitar phrases are presented in both clean/DI and amp/overdriven versions. For the bass phrases, DI, amp and synth bass versions are provided. All the drum performances are supplied as both a pre-mixed stereo format and as sperate loops for kick (both mic in and mic out), snare top, snare bottom, hihat, toms, cymbals, overheads and room mics. These various combinations allow you the convenience to work quickly or the option to fully craft the sounds using your own choices of amp simulation and effects.

Edgy Indie Rock With A Pop Sensibility
Indie Rock 4 provides the perfect blend of rock edge and attitude with a modern radio-ready production. It’s a great combination for songwriting or score applications. Whether for kick starting your next song production project, or providing a killer track for your latest music-to-picture score, Indie Rock 4 lets you rock with the best.

Guitars, bass and keys played by Kai Reuter
Drums played by Matthias Meusel

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