Sonixinema Brute Flute 低音大长笛 这是一款构造特殊的钢管大长笛音色。 体型如同巴松,音色也有些像,但是保留了长笛的铁管元素。本体自带连音奏法。还收录了多中特殊奏法。非常适合影视场景音乐的制作。


在电影采样方面是首创,Brute Flute是Contrabass Flute库,与众不同。这个出色的资料库以非凡的细节进行记录,并捕捉了各种电影的质感,谐调的点缀,爆炸性的音调和富有表现力的真实连奏,它具有一组非常独特且鼓舞人心的声音。该库是我们全新的实验系列的第三个版本,由著名的笛手Gareth Mclearnon演奏,他以在《异形盟约》,《地平线零黎明》,《抹大拉的马利亚》等大片中的出色演奏而闻名。该库是在伦敦市中心的干燥计分舞台上录制的,它使用一些最好的麦克风来捕捉Gareth迷人表演的每一个细微差别。

我们与演奏长笛演奏家Gareth Mclearnon密切合作,花费了数周的时间整理了一系列罕见的实验性Contrabass Flute技术,以创建一个独一无二的库。我们捕捉到了前所未有的采样电影纹理,谐调点缀,爆炸性发音和真实连奏,从而探索了崭新的领域,并发现了这种宏伟乐器的真正潜力。低音提琴笛通常在管弦乐队中使用,近年来,创新的电影作曲家(如约翰·约翰森和杰德·库泽尔)使用了低音提琴长笛来创造独特而有趣的声音世界。我们从低音提琴长笛中捕捉到的纹理是此乐器特有的,在常规的音乐会长笛或低音长笛中,许多纹理无法以相同的方式进行。 Gareth将丰富的知识和经验带到了餐桌上,并且被认为是这一代中需求最大,最令人振奋的长笛演奏家之一。长笛本身是由Eva Kingma手工制作的,Eva Kingma是专门生产Alto,Bass和Contrabass长笛的高品质长笛制造商,并且专为Gareth设计。

为了捕捉Gareth在这种宏伟乐器上的演奏,我们在伦敦市中心选择了一个干式计分舞台。我们认为这很重要,因为我们想详细记录每一个细微差别,提供干净灵活的录音,可用于产生前瞻性,激进的声音,或随后用于创建宽敞的电影般的声音。我们记录了多种麦克风视角,例如“近距离单声道”,“近距离立体声”,“中立体声”和“远距离立体声”,并使用了高质量的麦克风,例如Beyer M160,AKG C414,Neumann U87和Neumann TLM103。

档案大小:3.24 GB未压缩
Kontakt版本:Kontakt 5.7.0的完整版本

True Legato and Rare Contrabass Flute Textures
A first in cinematic sampling, Brute Flute is a Contrabass Flute library like no other. Recorded in exceptional detail and capturing a range of cinematic textures, harmonic embellishments, explosive articulations and an expressive true legato, this wonderful library features a highly unique and inspiring set of sounds. The third release in our brand new Experiments range, this library was performed by renowned flautist Gareth Mclearnon, who is known for his virtuosic performances across blockbusters such as Alien Covenant, Horizon Zero Dawn, Mary Magdalene and many more. The library was recorded on a dry scoring stage in the heart of London, using some of the best microphones to capture every nuance of Gareth’s captivating performances.

Working in close collaboration with virtuoso flutist Gareth Mclearnon, we spent weeks curating a list of rare and experimental Contrabass Flute techniques to create a library like no other. Capturing a huge range of never before sampled cinematic textures, harmonic embellishments, explosive articulations and true legato, we explored brand new territory and discovered the true potential of this magnificent instrument. Usually found within an orchestral setting, in recent years the contrabass flute has been used by innovative film composers such as Johann Johannsson and Jed Kurzel to create unique and intriguing sonic worlds. The textures that we captured from the contrabass flute are unique to this instrument, and many of them can’t be performed in the same way on a regular concert flute or a bass flute. Gareth brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, and is known to be one of the most in demand and exciting flutists of his generation. The flute itself was handmade by Eva Kingma, a premium quality flute maker specialising in Alto, Bass and Contrabass flutes, and was designed exclusively for Gareth.

To capture Gareth’s performance on this magnificent instrument, we chose a dry scoring stage in the heart of London. We thought this was important as we wanted to record every nuance in intimate detail, providing clean and flexible recordings that can be used for an upfront, aggressive sound, or manipulated afterwards to create a spacious, cinematic sound. We recorded multiple microphone perspectives such as Close Mono, Close Stereo, Mid Stereo and Far Stereo, and used top quality microphones such as the Beyer M160, AKG C414, Neumann U87 and Neumann TLM103.

Instrument: Contrabass Flute
Microphone Positions: Close Mono, Close Stereo, Mid, Far, Mix
Presets: 50
File Size: 3.24 GB Uncompressed
Kontakt Version: The FULL Version of Kontakt 5.7.0


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