


Orchestrator支持NKS标准,可为NI Komplete和/或Maschine用户提供简便的搜索,光导和动手参数控制。Orchestrator中的每种乐器类型在键盘上都有一个一致的区域。和弦始终映射到相同的八度音阶,低低音和高延音也是如此。这使得将不同的声音分层在一起非常容易。随附的Multis为您提供了许多这样的组合。

Orchestrator是一种令人难以置信的鼓舞人心的工具,从第一天起,它就会进入您的管弦乐队模板。主要特征:-精心编排的大和弦和小和弦,具有真实的和弦变化过渡-录制2个合奏:带风的铜管和带有合唱团的弦-低音提琴和合唱团低音“ Dark Ba​​sss”连奏乐器

– 3层调制轮动态
– 3个音乐厅话筒具有实时混合
-的On-the -fly八度移位(向左或向右微调乐器映射)



需要NI Kontakt Player或Kontakt FULL v6.4.2及更高版本!

ProjectSAM Colours: Orchestrator v2.0 KONTAKT – 4,59 GB

Just updated to 2.0! A brand-new design, with greatly improved control over the features you need most.

Behold an industry first: real legato transitions for chords. For Colours: Orchestrator, ProjectSAM recorded major and minor chords with all possible transitions between them. For example, C major and F minor were recorded separately, as well as C major changing into F minor and vice versa. The result is extremely realistic, musical and evocative.

The two ensembles recorded for Orchestrator are strings performing with choir and brass performing with woodwinds. A full set of legato chords is available for these two arrangements. Major and minor chords are mapped to two regions on the keyboard, allowing you to trigger and connect them using single keys.

In addition to the legato chords, a number of other ensembles are available, including legato double basses performing with choir basses, violin with soprano sustains, various staccato chords as well as a bonus set of alternative chord orchestrations.

Orchestrator supports the NKS standard, offering easy searching, Light Guide and hands-on parameter control for NI Komplete and/or Maschine users. Each instrument type in Orchestrator has a consistent region on the keyboard. Chords are always mapped to the same octaves, so are low basses and high sustains. This makes it extremely easy to layer different sounds together. The included Multis give you a number of such combinations.

Orchestrator is an incredibly inspirational tool that will find its way into your orchestral template from day one.
Key features:
– Orchestrated major and minor chords with real chord change transitions
– Recorded for 2 ensembles: brass with winds and strings with choir
– Double basses & choir basses ‘Dark Basses’ legato instrument
– 3-Layer mod wheel dynamics
– Bonus tremolo chords, flageolet sustains and staccato instruments
– Bonus celli with double basses sustains from SYMPHOBIA
– Free mode or scale locking option for chord instruments
– 3 concert hall mics with real-time mixing
– On-the-fly octave shifting (nudge instrument mapping left or right)
Legato Chords
Mixed sections recorded together
– Brass with winds
– Strings with choir (arco)
– Strings with choir (tremolo)
– Low strings & low choir

Mixed sections recorded together
– Chords: high strings with choir
– Unison: high strings with choir
– Arco: celli with basses

Short articulations
Mixed sections recorded together
– Staccato chords: strings with choir
– Staccato chords: brass with winds
Requires NI Kontakt Player or Kontakt FULL v6.4.2 and higher!


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