即使很久以前热力学定律就排除了永动机的可能性,但EZkeys Hybrid Harp还是非常接近。物理定律可能仍然适用,但事实仍然是,这种独特的“机器”具有固有的魔力,似乎可以确保您永远不会缺少想法。从字面上看,它源于您和您​​自己的想象。

EZkeys混合竖琴提供五种单独的乐器,它们以不同的容量分层,纹理化和饱和,以形成独特的,前所未有的声音混合。乐队中无可争议的明星是标志性的Style 23竖琴。除此之外,还采样了传统的瑞典nyckelharpa(或“键小提琴”),两个口琴,一个弓形的钟琴和一套陶笛。这些看似奇怪的乐器组合在一起,从逻辑上讲,没有任何尘世间的事物共享相同的声音空间,最终达到了必须被形容为令人费解的音频世界:弹拨,打击乐,高飞,轻盈,优美,如此等等。声音有些不和谐。



Toontrack EZkeys Hybrid Harp v1.0.1 [WiN-OSX] Incl Keygen-R2R Team R2R | August 21 2020 | WiN 629 MB | OSX 591 MB
Even though the laws of thermodynamics long ago ruled out the possibility of a perpetual motion machine, EZkeys Hybrid Harp comes very close. The laws of physics may still apply, but fact remains that this peculiar ‘machine’ has an inherent mojo that seems to make sure you’re never short of ideas. It literally runs and feeds off of you and your own imagination.

EZkeys Hybrid Harp presents five individual instruments, all layered, textured and saturated in various capacities to form unique and never-before-heard hybrids of sounds. The undisputed star of the group is an iconic Style 23 harp. In addition to this, a traditional Swedish nyckelharpa (or “keyed fiddle”), two harmoniums, a bowed glockenspiel and a set of ocarinas were sampled. Combined, this seemingly odd group of instruments – that in logical terms have no earthly business sharing the same sonic space – culminate in what must be described as a vastly puzzling audio universe of plucking, percussive, soaring, airy, beautiful and ever-so-slightly dissonant sounds.

Welcome to one of the most multifaceted EZkeys titles yet – one that will trigger parts of your creative mind you didn’t know existed. These are sounds ideal for anything you can imagine. Literally

Five types of individually captured instrument types: a harp, a nyckelharpa, two harmoniums, ocarinas and a bowed glockenspiel
Each instrument can be called up individually using the ‘Raw Tweaks’ presets
In excess of 40 mix-ready presets, offering creative instrument blends of never-before-heard hybrids of sounds
For any type of music or production – ideally ambient soundscapes, scores and sound design


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